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SKU: 300700


The e-MaxX®, the next generation “Lite” pump,  uses high efficiency linear diaphragm technology to produce a quiet operation with minimal moving parts. An ideal choice for asbestos and lead air sampling.

 This new pump offers: 

1.)  Heavy Duty construction with aluminum used at both the suction and discharge port locations to alleviate downtime due to broken fittings.

2.)  Quiet operation with a sound level of 39 dB @ 3 feet and weighing only 4 lbs.

4.)  Easy to carry with integrated handle and reinforced cord attachment. 

5.)  Adjustable flow. 

6.)  Designed, machined, assembled and tested in the USA. 

7.)  1 year warranty.

8.) On average 9-11 lpm with a PCM.


The e-MaxX® was custom designed specifically for Environmental Monitoring Systems’ Sampling Applications.  Competitive products were either built for completely different applications and/or designed for “General” market needs.  Every feature of the e-MaxX® has the end user’s needs in mind.

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