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Sensidyne Gilian BDXII,GilAir-3 & GilAir-5 Replacement Filter Holder

SKU: 100185

Sold in continental U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada only.



The Sensidyne filter protects the internal pneumatics of BDX-II, GilAir-3, and GilAir-5 pumps from dirt and debris. This filter is externally mounted, enabling users to quickly and easily inspect filter condition and when necessary replace the filter. The filter is held in place by the Sensidyne BDX-II/GilAir-3/GilAir-5 filter holder, ems item 100185. You can view this item here. For the Sensidyne GilAir-3/GilAir-5 Filter Replacement Kit, which includes large and small O-rings, filters, and screws, please see ems item 100183.

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